Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Fray Island, Level 31

Dear Klannoc Macleod,

I really enjoyed your little fight club. Don’t worry I won’t talk about it.

Thanks again for teaching me berserker stance. There are times when I just wanna go berserk, (dinosaurs!) and now I can feel confident that I’m doing it properly. I hope to come back to your island in order to learn bonkers stance too. That one sounds fun, and with less hair pulling.

Have you ever considered a ferry or gondola to your island? There’s a nice dock in Ratchet you could use. Maybe the gondolier could sing or even yodel. I discovered the sandbar between the shore and your island on my way back, but there were some nasty looking makruras I had to avoid on my swim out. (pretty big pincers) You could probably make a little extra coin from each trip and build yourself some nice brawling facilities.

That sixth guy I fought was kind of a pushover, don’t you think? Also, I felt a little guilty rummaging through Big Will’s pockets after I downed him, but he did have 2 silver and 6 copper on him. That’ll buy a few pairs of pants! When he gets up, just let him know it wasn’t anything personal, just business. He’s a professional, so I’m sure he’ll understand.

Looking forward to learning maniacal stance too!

With gratitude,
R. Pebblebottom

P.S. What is Big Will’s gear score?

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