Thursday, February 26, 2009

Brewnall Village, Level 8

Dear Marleth Barleybrew,

Love your mugs! You recently asked me to covertly swap some barrels of beer in order to teach the Thunderbrews that theirs isn’t the only decent brew.

How will you know if the patrons like it better? Do you need me to do some further market research? For a few gold, I will gather demographic data and suggest a niche for your products. (bitters, ales, mash, boar tusks, and mugs) I would ask everyone, “Do you like the beer that’s not the beer you ordered?” and wink slyly. If they wink back, I would know they liked it.

My idea for a new brew is called Hair of the Hare. I know what your thinking, and it is not made of rabbit fur, just silverleaf and yellow snow. Some ruined leather scraps. Delicious! (I have a lead on some yellow snow.) I may try your marketing method myself, although I don’t enjoy deceiving fellow dwarves. I have stolen from trolls. Maybe I’ll swap troll barrels and see how they like Hair of the Hare.

Thank you for considering my offer. I await your reply.

R. Pebblebottom, creator of Hair of the Hair
“It’s like kissing a rabbit!”

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Anvilmar, Level 4

Dear Thran Khorman,

Thank you for teaching me to rend. It comes in very handy when battling crag boars. Boy do they bleed now. I think before I was just ripping them slightly, but the rending is really working.

When will you teach me to dance? I don’t care much for how I currently dance, it’s somewhat obnoxious and I find it hard to find a suitable partner. I danced with a Coldridge Mountaineer for 42 minutes, taking only minor breaks to grease my knees, and she didn’t even flinch. I thought I saw a slight nod, but can’t be sure. I need you to show me a proper boogie. I am convinced she would have swooned and asked me to hearth with her.

I observed a gnome fellow that could really cut a rug. Now that was dancing! No bruised shins or flying shoes. (The swelling on her forehead is going down a bit.)

Let’s make this happen! I want to get down!!!

By Magni’s Beard,
R. Pebblebottom

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Dear Azeroth,

I love your Azeroth. (Murlocs!)

I’m hooked on rabbits and everything hare-related. I told my brother-in-law the other day how impressed I was with your use of bunnies.

I’m writing to inform you that I will be in Azeroth for quite some time. (Could be longer.) My sister, Melanie Honeyrump, has lived in Dun Morogh for ages and she speaks often of the wonderful tough hunks of bread. The spring water sounds refreshing!

If you see me, please wave. I will be wearing a tan button-down shirt with no collar or pockets. If I do not wave back, I might have an axe in my hand. (or bunny!) My ears slice easily, so I’ve learned to nod very modestly in acknowledgement. It is a slight nod and almost imperceptible. You may miss it.

With respect,
R. Pebblebottom

Have a question you'd love Pebblebottom to answer?

Or maybe you want to book "Plops, Azeroth's Slowest Bunny" for an upcoming event? (Perfect for auction house dance parties or weddings of any size.)

Don't be shy, just drop me a line at